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Night Vision Scopes » Night Vision Scopes » D-750 Night Vision Multipurpose Viewer Gen 3 Autogated Hand Select - Filmless - White Phosphor
D-750 Night Vision Multipurpose Viewer Gen 3 Autogated Hand Select - Filmless - White Phosphor
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List Price: $6,399.00
Regular Price: $5,999.00
On Sale For: $5,799.00
You Save: $600.00
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Having the absolute highest quality high contrast lens system in the industry ourD-750 night vision Multipurpose Viewer is unmatched. These state-of-the-art lensesmean more light gets to the image intensifier tube and more light equalsbetter performance. Using the latest Pinnacle image intensifier tubeand manual gain control technology simply makes this device the ultimate nightvision Multipurpose Viewer for medium caliber weapons! The hand selected Pinnacle Image Intensifier Tube makes this unit rise above all others in both clarity and performance.
The D-750 4x weapon Multipurpose Viewer is the cutting edge development in night vision Multipurpose Viewer technology.
The compact design packages unmatched user controls and extraordinary optics in a rugged housing.
Standard features include top of the line optics, a waterproof and purgeable housing; Mil-Dot illuminated Amber-on-Green reticle; multi-coated optics; manual gain control; and a quick-release weapon mount.
With guaranteed zero retention on medium caliber weapons, these are the systems of choice for Military and Law Enforcement professionals as well as night hunters.
The D-750 4x night vision Multipurpose Viewer features newly refined multi-coated optics with a 25-30% improvement in image clarity, brightness and contrast.
A completely redesigned power supply/control module offers distinctly improved ergonomic placement of system controls for quick and accurate adjustments without diverting attention from the acquired target. Other standard features include manual gain control; illuminated mil-dot reticle with brightness control; focus, precision windage and elevation adjustments; and a high performance quick-release weapon mount.
Hand-built to order right here in the United States, you can rest assured that your Multipurpose Viewer will arrive ready to do the business!
The Night Optics D-7xx series family of rifle Multipurpose Viewers is known throughout the industry for their superior quality and performance and are the perfect compliment to any night time shooter's setup.
The D-750 4x weapon Multipurpose Viewer is the cutting edge development in night vision Multipurpose Viewer technology.
The compact design packages unmatched user controls and extraordinary optics in a rugged housing.
Standard features include top of the line optics, a waterproof and purgeable housing; Mil-Dot illuminated Amber-on-Green reticle; multi-coated optics; manual gain control; and a quick-release weapon mount.
With guaranteed zero retention on medium caliber weapons, these are the systems of choice for Military and Law Enforcement professionals as well as night hunters.
The D-750 4x night vision Multipurpose Viewer features newly refined multi-coated optics with a 25-30% improvement in image clarity, brightness and contrast.
A completely redesigned power supply/control module offers distinctly improved ergonomic placement of system controls for quick and accurate adjustments without diverting attention from the acquired target. Other standard features include manual gain control; illuminated mil-dot reticle with brightness control; focus, precision windage and elevation adjustments; and a high performance quick-release weapon mount.
Hand-built to order right here in the United States, you can rest assured that your Multipurpose Viewer will arrive ready to do the business!
The Night Optics D-7xx series family of rifle Multipurpose Viewers is known throughout the industry for their superior quality and performance and are the perfect compliment to any night time shooter's setup.
D-750 4x weapon Multipurpose Viewer w/quick release mount
Soft Storage case
(2) AA batteries
Lens cloth
Operator manual
3 Year Warranty
- Filmless Tube
- White Phosphor Technology
- New high contrast optics
- 25-30% performance improvement
- Hand Selected Pinnacle Image Tube
- Improved Ergonomic Controls
- Mil dot Reticle
- Manual gain control
- Reticle brightness control
- Automatic brightness control
- Quick Release Weapons Mount
- Waterproof
- 3 Year Warranty
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1 Review
Overall Rating: 

Reviewer: Hog Smasher

March 1, 2017
Recommend To A Friend:
Title: Bad to the Bone
To start with, the customer service was second to none!!! Helping every step of the way is their goal. They understand how important accurate and trustworthy info is when making a purchase of this scale.
Now the scope, I have looked trough and hunted with a large quantity of night devices across all price ranges. This one is by FAR the best NV device I have used. No moon, quarter, or full, this thing flat out performs. (New moon clear night) took a coyote at estimated 250 yards without the aid of an IR! Spotted hogs easily past 600 yards. The amount of light these scopes let in is simply amazing. Function and controls are well placed and very intuitive. I have not found any detractors. Well worth the $$$!!