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iRay RH25V2 Rico MicroV2 640 IN STOCK ON SALE !!!
NEW Pulsar THERMION2 LRF 60mm!>Call for Pulsar Monocs
All RIX NV and Fusion IN STOCK ON SALE !!!
All iRayUSA InfiRay Thermals IN STOCK ON SALE !!!
AGM VarmintV2 LRF Thermal w Rangefinder ON SALE !!!
NEW AGM 1280 AdderLRF and Evolver LRF BEST PRICES !!
PVS14 Elbit White Ph Autog/Pinnacle 10Yr Warr $3799 IN STOCK!
PVS14 Photonis Green Ph 2 Options ON SALE !!!
PVS14 Photonis Echo WhPh HIGH GAIN 10Yr $3399!!!
PVS14 Elbit 2200+ FOM WhPh 10Yr Warr $3999 !!
PVS14 L3Harris Unfilm WhPh 2300+ FOM 10YrWarr $4799 SALE!
PVS-31A L3Harris WhPh 2400+ ON SALE w 10YR WARR !!
Questions? Call Us: 1-800-771-6845

Thermal Multipurpose Viewers

--Thermal Scopes, Thermal Imaging Rifle Scopes, Thermal Weapon Sights, Thermal Multipurpose Viewers, and Thermal Rifle Scopes are the most popular in the scope market right now.  The technology has gotten better, and the pricing has come down tremendously from a few years ago.  The minimum recommended for a thermal scope is a 320 resolution, and even the better 640 resolution are priced great now.  Some units being released in 1280 thermal!!! Thermal Scopes using heat recognition are very different from the starlight night vision products.  Thermal Scopes and heat recognition are much better for locating objects in the distance, as it will give you a heat signature, but depending on the resolution and magnification of your equipment, it might not be so easy to identify the object.  Also, because of the digital magnification, and the loss of resolution when zooming in, it is best to try and get into a 640 thermal rifle scope w at least a 35mm lens.  Refresh rate has also increased now, as most thermal scopes start with a  50Hz refresh rate now.
--We carry the just released Pulsar Thermion2 60mm Line, including the Thermion 2 LRF XP60, XG60 and the 1024 resolution Thermion 2 LRF XL60.
--iRay USA and InfiRay Outdoors Thermal Scopes are now featured on our site.  We carry the complete line including InfiRay Bolt TX60C, RH50R LRF, and the InfiRay Rico Hybrid.
--NocPix are very popular right now!!! From the InfiRay Brand, they incorporate the LRF in the front lens.  Beautiful units featuring the NocPix Ace H50R LRF 640  and the NocPix Ace S60R LRF 1280 !!
--Our best selling thermal scopes are the Hogster and Yoter line from Bering Optics.  All models now have wifi, and all Bering Optics thermal scopes have solid housings and carry a 4 Year warranty.  For a step up from a regular 384 core, get the Super Hogster A3, which is a 12 um micron 384, so image quality is a step up from regular 384.  If you want the best thermal scope from Bering Optics get the newest Super Yoter 640 12 micron 50mm.  Definitely the best 640 thermal scope you can get for under $5k. The Super Yoter is available w 3 front lens sizes.  The top of the line Bering Optics Thermal scopes now have a Laser Rangefinder option in the Super Hogster LRF and Bering Optics Super Yoter LRF featuring 6 yr warranties.
--AGM's Newest Thermal Scopes are the hi-tech AGM RattlerV2. They have built in recording and WiFI.  If youre looking for a builtin laser rangefinder, the AGM Varmint2 LRF are excellent thermal scopes and the AGM SecutorLRF.  For a traditional looking scope, try the AGM AdderV2.
--NightVision4Less also carries all the newest ATN Thor5 thermal scopes, ATN being another leader in the thermal scope category.  The ATN Thor5 offer recoil activated recording, WiFi, bluetooth, and many other bells and whistles that make your hunt more exciting.  The newest ATN Thor 5 Thermal scope is shaped like a regular day optic, and has a great battery life. All lens sizes are available with a laser rangefinder, see below ATN Thor 5 LRF versions.  Just released are the ATN Thor 5 XD 1280 thermal sensors, available also with LRF.
--IR Defense Thermal IR Mark Hunter were great thermal scopes with a compact housing and nice turret control knobs.  They were bought by Trijicon Thermal and their Trijicon Electro Optics Division, and these are great high-end thermal scopes with 640 sensors.  The Trijicon IR-Hunter Mark III are the newest versions of their standard thermal scope.  For a more compact and lightweight unit, try the Trijicon Reap-IR mini thermal scopes. If youre looking for a thermal clip-on, try the Trijicon Snipe-IR.
--RIX Optics and RIX Tactical are available now!!  The RIX Storm S6 is a great 640 at a bargain price.
--NightVision4Less also carries Pulsar Thermion 2 models: Pulsar Thermion2 LRF XL50 and all other Pulsar Thermion2.
--The Armasight Zeus Thermal Scopes > bought by FLIR, are all discontinued. For similar product see the Bering Optics Yoter or AGM Secutor, 
--See below for our entire selection of thermal rifle scopes, and give us a call anytime at 800-771-6845 to discuss.  ~NightVision4Less

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AGM Global Vision Thermal Multi
AGM RattlerV2  19-256 2.5x Thermal 256x 12um 19mm (50 Hz) WiFi
      Regular Price: $1,095.00
      On Sale For: $849.00
      In stock
      AGM RattlerV2  25-256 3.5x Thermal 256x 12um 25mm (50 Hz) WiFi
          Regular Price: $1,295.00
          On Sale For: $995.00
          In stock
          AGM Adder TS35-384 3x Thermal 384 12um 35mm (50 Hz) WiFi
              Regular Price: $2,744.00
              On Sale For: $2,195.00
              In stock
              AGM Adder TS50-384 4x Thermal 384 12um 50mm (50 Hz) WiFi
                  Regular Price: $3,174.00
                  On Sale For: $2,495.00
                  In stock
                  AGM Clarion 384 Dual Focus Thermal 2x-16x 25mm / 4.5x-36x 50mm (50Hz)
                      Regular Price: $3,179.00
                      On Sale For: $2,695.00
                      In stock
                      AGM Adder TS35-640 2x Thermal 640 12um 35mm (50 Hz) WiFi
                          Regular Price: $4,064.00
                          On Sale For: $2,995.00
                          In stock
                          AGM Adder TS50-640 2.5x Thermal 640 12um 50mm (50 Hz) WiFi
                              Regular Price: $4,395.00
                              On Sale For: $3,495.00
                              In stock
                              AGM AdderV2 LRF 35-640 2.5x-24x Thermal 640 12um 35mm (50 Hz) WiFi Laser Rangefinder
                                  Regular Price: $4,495.00
                                  On Sale For: $4,295.00
                                  In stock
                                  AGM Clarion 640 Dual Focus Thermal 2x-16x 35mm / 3x-24x 60mm (50Hz)
                                      Regular Price: $4,595.00
                                      On Sale For: $4,295.00
                                      In stock
                                      AGM AdderV2 LRF 50-640 3.5x-26x Thermal 640 12um 50mm (50 Hz) WiFi Laser Rangefinder
                                          Regular Price: $5,195.00
                                          On Sale For: $4,795.00
                                          In stock
                                          AGM Evolver LRF 1280 2.5x-20x Thermal 1280 12um 65mm (25Hz) WiFi Laser Rangefinder
                                              Regular Price: $7,495.00
                                              On Sale For: $6,995.00
                                              In stock
                                              AGM AdderV2 LRF 60-1280 2.5x-28x Thermal 1280 12um 60mm (25Hz) WiFi Laser Rangefinder
                                                  Regular Price: $7,495.00
                                                  On Sale For: $6,995.00
                                                  In stock
                                                  Thermal Day/Night Multipurpose
                                                  AGM Rattler TC19-256 Thermal Clip-On 256x192 12um 19mm (50 Hz)
                                                      Regular Price: $1,399.00
                                                      On Sale For: $899.00
                                                      In stock
                                                      AGM Rattler-C V2 35-384 Thermal Clip-On 384 12um 35mm (50 Hz)
                                                          Regular Price: $2,995.00
                                                          On Sale For: $2,395.00
                                                          In stock
                                                          AGM Rattler-C V2 50-640 Thermal Clip-On 640 12um 50mm (50 Hz)
                                                              Regular Price: $4,995.00
                                                              On Sale For: $3,995.00
                                                              In stock
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